Are The Hub and Back Alley Bikes the same thing?

Not exactly! Back Alley Bikes is a nonprofit dedicated to bicycle education, recycling, and maintenance in Detroit. The Hub of Detroit is a full service retail bike shop operated by Back Alley Bikes. All sales at The Hub support programming and operations at Back Alley Bikes, and we accept donations at either location.

How do I get to The Hub of Detroit or Back Alley Bikes?

The Hub is located at 3611 Cass Ave, just north of MLK Blvd. Back Alley Bikes is behind The Hub, most easily found by following MLK Blvd to our back alley. Back Alley Bikes is through the first door in the alley, right next door to our friends at Ocelot Print Shop. You can find more information here.

Is Back Alley Bikes open the same hours as the Hub?

Nope! We have a small staff, so when the Hub is open Back Alley Bikes is closed and vice versa. You can find our current hours here!

Can I buy a bike here?

We sell refurbished used bikes at The Hub of Detroit that have been tuned up by our team of mechanics. We also have Garage Sales through Back Alley Bikes a few times a year where we sell less expensive bikes that have been tuned up by our volunteers under staff supervision. Check our social media or our events calendar for information about when our next Garage Sale will be scheduled.

Where do you get all of these bicycles? Can I sell or trade my old bike here?

We do not buy bikes, and we do not accept trade ins. All the bicycles we use for programming or resale are donated. Please bring your unwanted bicycles, parts, and accessories to Back Alley Bikes, the Hub of Detroit, or one of the number of bike shops in the Detroit area that accepts donations on our behalf.

What tools would somebody need to work on their bike at home?

We recommend:

Basic Repair Tool Set
– Box End Metric Wrenches 8mm-17mm
– Allen Wrenches (4mm, 5mm, and 6mm)
– Large Adjustable Wrench (12″)
– Needle-nose Pliers
– Flathead Screwdriver
– Phillips Screwdriver
– Pedal Wrench*
– Chain Tool*
– Tire Levers (at least 2)*
– Patch Kit*
– Chain Lube*
– Bike Grease*
– Cable Cutters*
– Pump*

More advanced tools
– Lockring Spanner*
– Cone Wrenches*
– Crank Puller*
– Crank Nut Socket (14mm)*
– Pin Spanner*
– Allen Wrenches 1.2mm-3mm, 8mm (depending on the bike)
– Spoke Wrench*

*Tools with the asterisk are bike specific tools that can be purchased at bike shops. All other tools can be found at your average hardware store.

For the advanced home mechanic, there are many bike-specific tools to work on many different kinds of bikes. Check out our favorite website for detailed, expert advice.